Journey of Tranformation


About 20 years ago I was deeply impacted by hearing a speaker use the words “life change.” At that time the phrase was relatively new and wasn’t being used frequently as a way to describe God’s work in a person’s life. (Today we hear that phrase often and I’m afraid that it may be losing its punch!) As I continued to ponder and reflect on the word LifeChange, I began to believe that I could truly experience transformation in my own life. And over time, I have seen God’s transformative work in many ways in my own life. God really did want to change and transform me; He was, and is, doing a work of deep heart.

We were created for LifeChange! We were designed to experience the transforming power of God in our lives. We read in the book of Philippians (1:6) “that being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Can you honestly answer that you believe you can experience LifeChange in every area of your life? Or are there areas, such as relationships, parenting skills or personality that you say, “I can’t help it; that’s just the way I am?”

LifeChange from the heart is possible! Would you take the time this week to reflect on Philippians 1:6 and ask the Spirit of God to show you one area of life where He desires to change your heart? We are on a journey of transformation. Will you give God permission to work in your heart for LifeChange?